Emotional Health

Emotional health is a crucial aspect of holistic health, involving the ability to understand, express, and manage our emotions in a healthy way. The Bible reminds us that God is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). As we navigate the complexities of our emotions, we can find solace and strength in God's presence. By fostering emotional intelligence, practicing forgiveness, and building healthy relationships, we reflect Christ's love and compassion in our lives. Our resources aim to help you develop emotional resilience and well-being through a Christian lens.

Is Your Child a Bully?

Can you recognise the signs of favour and fear transmitted by children? Devyani Borade looks at what really happens on the playground.

Mean World Syndrome

How the media is making us more afraid

Go Healthy For Good - August 2016

Nerida McKibben is the host of Hope Channel’s health and wellness show, Go Healthy For Good. To find out more, go to www.hop.ec/gohealthyforgood.

A Blessing or a Curse

What we say can have a strong impact on others. They say sticks and stones will break our bones, but words will never hurt us. Is this true?

Bringing Joy to Retirement

Help your parents enjoy retirement and have the best time of their lives.

The only way is up

Fear and anxiety can cause the brain to "down-shift". Dr Arlene Taylor shares some advice and tips on how to get our brains back into high gear.

Family Feuds: What can you do about them?

It's been said that all is fair in love and war. Oneta Dernelle explores the existence of both in families and suggests ways to move beyond fairness.

Mastering the Art of Love

Love is the most beautiful of gifts God has given to us. It’s worth taking a few minutes to figure out how to keep it alive. Let’s begin at the top . . .

First chances

Maritza Brunt reflects on one thing marriage has taught her.

Mother Knows Best

Mothers are made for the job, scientific tests prove

Bad Memories in a Good Relationship

Release past betrayal by writing a private letter of your feelings, then focus on the trust you've built in your happy marriage.

Can You Afford Not to Forgive?

Has someone you care about hurt you? Arlene Taylor looks at the health implications of holding a grudge.

Reclaiming Intimacy

Marriage isn't without its difficulties, so what does it take to keep it alive?

Finding Success in Relationships

Maintaining a relationship can be harder than you might think. And it doesn't always have a fairytale ending, as Dillon Cocks points out.

Why Studying the "Good Book" is Good for You

God's Word holds many blessings. Victor Parachin explains the benefits of studying it regularly.

Mother-in-law Troubles

Patience and kindness can heal a difficult relationship.

More Than a Piece of Paper

Bible Discovery with Errol Webster

Ten Easy Ways to be Happy!

According to experts, happiness isn't as hard to achieve as you might think. Sheila O'Connor gives a tutorial on happiness.

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Why taking the time to grieve can help the soul

How to Grow Together With God

Husbands and wives sometimes have a hard time growing together spiritually. Karen Holford provides some strategies to help.

Like Father, Like Son?

The influence of fathers on their children is not to be underestimated.

The Marriage Advantage

Compelling research says that being married (and staying that way) is good for you.

Why touch matters

Vanessa Pizzuto says that humans—even muscular athletes—have a deep psychological need to be touched by other humans.

A Selfie of the Heart

Discover the concept of a heart's 'selfie': an authentic reflection of character over appearance. Do we cultivate virtues that transcend our social media façade?

Air Rage

Being quick to judge is rarely beneficial. Scott Wegener shares a window of learning in his experience.

How to Manage Stress

Learning to deal with stress is an important part of maintaining your wellbeing and protecting your health, says Andrew Cate.

Online Relationship Bluff

My boyfriend and I broke up a few months ago. He refuses to talk to me. I really thought he was the one for me.


What sort of qualities should we look for in a partner?

Let's Talk About Sex

The new alternative gaining momentum in our highly-sexualised society.

The Very Worst Experience

A strong and resilient marriage isn’t something a couple receives at their wedding along with all the other gifts.

Vigorous of Heart

How do I get that kind of boundless energy that children seem to have? Can my relationships be be as vigorous like that too?

10 Tips for Excellent Health

Discover the ten essential habits for optimal health encompassing hydration, laughter, plant-based diets, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, relaxation, music, outdoor activities, and varied exercise. Start your journey to a balanced body, mind, and spirit today!

How to Really Love: Just For Teens

Love is more art than action. Melanie Winkler gives some insights into this ultimate of all emotions.

9 Tips for Taming Tempers

Learn how to master your anger and seek resolution in times of overwhelming stress with practical tips on self-reflection, communication, and seeking divine guidance for self-control.

Brighten Your Mood

The sun has more uses than just giving you a nice tan and warmth

The ultimate Valentine’s gift

Each February we set aside a day to celebrate romantic love. And Charissa Fong says God has also set aside a day when we celebrate His love for us and ours for Him.

Tangled Web of Deceit and Guilt

When I was upset and needed a hug, he gave me one-but it went further.

Battling Self-consciousness

Reclaim your self-esteem from the shadows of past criticisms, and learn to see the valuable and capable person you truly are.

Finding True Love Online

Online dating is now "mainstream."

Top 10 Health Mistakes

Online weight-loss coach Andrew Cate looks at the top 10 health mistakes and ways to make better choices today.

Learning to Have a Voice

My problem is that I am feeling a restlessness I cannot suppress. I long to make my own decisions and take charge of my own life.

Save our girls!

A salutary warning about the effects of our increasing porn-infiltrated world on young women.

Fifty Shades or Just Plain Shady?

Hollywood's latest flick and its implications for our relationships

Too Tired to Love?

The demands of life can cause you to neglect those closest to us

When Love is Waiting

Sometimes, it isn't that love doesn't exist. It's just expressed wrongly

Hints for a Healthy Marriage

Marriage, like all relationships, needs investment to prosper. Victor Parachin suggests a few ways to improve yours.

Raising Beautiful Girls

A few tips for mothers who want their daughters to grow up confident and self-assured.

Connected but lonely?

The busy activity on your Facebook newsfeed may belie a more sobering reality.

How can I trust again?

I don't understand what has happened. I don't know if I'll be able to ever trust anyone else again.

10 ways to increase your listening skill

Improve your listening abilities with Oneta Dernelle's top 10 tips. Discover how to minimize distractions, empathize deeply, and keep your listening active for more meaningful conversations.

Beat Burnout Before It Beats You

Discover how to tackle burnout with our practical advice on dealing with energy depletion, cynicism, and reduced efficacy in high-stress jobs.

Avoiding Marriage Meltdown

There's a lot that go wrong in a marriage, as Bryan Craig, points out in his new book. But that doesn't mean it it has to.

Raising Contented Kids

Some tips on how to help your children grow up thankful for what they have.

27 Ways to Make Your Marriage Happier

Strengthen your marital bond with actionable advice on friendship, forgiveness, and shared responsibilities, offering a roadmap for a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

Mastering Your Marriage

A psychologist has discovered some fool-proof techniques for a successful marriage.