Masterstroke Short Films - CC
Masterstroke Short Films explore some of the most famous and interesting religious art in history. At a time when many couldn’t read, art was used as the basis for an understanding of God. Each film explores the paintings and its artist.

Why did Rembrandt paint himself as a disciple of Christ? Why is he holding onto his hat and a rope on the boat? In this program we investigate the major challenges Rembrandt faced in his life and how he coped with the roughest times in life.
Imagine celebrating by lifting up a glass of beer in one painting and then kneeling down with tattered clothes in another. The song “Coming Home” is the feature of this story as we learn how Rembrandt discovered a loving God. A God who accepted Rembrandt no matter what.
Does music really “make the world go round”? If so, why? Caravaggio’s famous painting, “The musicians” hangs in the Metropolitan museum. It highlights the importance of love and music. In this program we look into why music has a powerful impact on our spiritual life.
Why do so many famous paintings feature children blowing bubbles? What do they mean? In this program we investigate why bubbles have been used as an illustration of life. Most importantly, we look into how we can experience a life that will never “pop”.
Have you ever received a love letter? Not just an email but a hand written letter? Why are there so many paintings featuring love letters? In this program we look into a famous painting from the Rijksmuseum and provide the keys to reading the greatest love letter in history. A love letter that is personally addressed to you.
Imagine a cat scratching at a tablecloth trying to get to the juicy salmon. The knife is falling off the table and there are distractions everywhere. Yet nothing stops this lady from saying grace over her meal. Why is thanking God important to her everyday life?
Have you ever had someone criticize you but you know they’ve done far worse things than you? Domenico Fetti plainly illustrates the key point that there is nothing worse than hypocrisy. This program encourages anyone who is being judged by others for how they are living their life.
Imagine riding high on your horse as you are about to kill a few more Christians. You are thrown onto the ground and blinded by the light. See how a horse is the feature of this painting and how Paul was made lower than the animals. This humbling experience is used by Caravaggio to give hope to the hopeless.
“David and Goliath” is not just a painting about a Bible story. It is a painting about life. Here we see Caravaggio portraying himself as both David and Goliath. One as a young man and then the wreck he made of his life. Caravaggio wants us to learn the lesson to run to God when you are in trouble not from Him.
Why did Van Gogh paint Lazarus as a self-portrait? When he based his painting on Rembrandt’s rendition why did Van Gogh choose to crop out Jesus? In this program we explore the life of Vincent Van Gogh and look at why it’s important to have Jesus in the centre of your life.
Why did the Dutch have the saying, “whoever plays with cats gets scratched”? This painting shows two cheeky children teasing a cat with a snapping crayfish. Another painting portrays a young girl pulling the cats tail. The key message of this painting is, “what goes around, comes around.”
Imagine preaching for 40 years and no one listens. All you receive for your efforts is house arrest, public torture, the burning of your books, imprisonment and nearly drowning in a pit of slime. Welcome to the world of Jeremiah as he laments the destruction of the city and people he loved so much.
When Bishop Giovio looked up at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the 1520’s he couldn’t work it out. He said, “Among the most important figures is that of an old man, in the middle of the ceiling, who is represented in the act of flying through the air.” In this program we explore the mind of Michelangelo and the limitless power of God.
Van Gogh lived a troubled life. Did he base his life on the Bible or human philosophy? In this program we explore why Van Gogh may have had the Bible in his painting open at Isaiah 53. A chapter which helped Vincent see a God who understood him.
Why is the Tower of Babel such a popular subject to paint? There are hundreds of paintings throughout art museums around the world? What is the point to the story? In this program we explore the wonderful news that we can never save ourselves by our own efforts.
Imagine coming home and there is a huge “for sale” sign on your house. Your furniture is sold. Your clothes are sold. Everything is gone. You’re then told by your partner that he or she has purchased some land you know is a rocky piece of junk. In this program we share a story of God’s love for people others think have no value.
About the Show
Masterstroke Short Films explore some of the most famous and interesting religious art in history. At a time when many couldn’t read, art was used as the basis for an understanding of God. Each film explores the paintings and its artist.

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