Mysteries Unearthed
Discover the world of archaeology where ancient artifacts hold secrets that speak to us today.

How was the lost civilisation of the ancient Hittites was discovered?
Dead Sea Scrolls are significant in revealing that the Old Testament manuscripts have essentially remained unchanged through the last 2200 years.
Deciphering of the Behistun Inscription not only opened up the history, culture and religious practices of the ancient people of Mesopotamia, but has also helped to reveal the substantial historicity of ancient texts.
Deciphering the Rosetta Stone not only opened up the history, culture and religious practices of the ancient Egyptians but has also helped to reveal the substantial historicity of the ancient texts.
Is the Bible is both historically accurate and prophetically dependable? What do the Bible’s ancient predictions of Tyre reveal to us.
Many claim Jesus was just a good man like Buddha or Muhammed. However Jesus claimed to be God in human flesh. He was either a liar, or crazy or truly God to make such an audacious claim.
Are there ancient Roman and Jewish documents that support the Biblical claim that there was a person living 2000 years ago called Jesus, who was crucified?
Why is the Cyrus Cylinder important in knowing historical accuracy, and does it have any knowledge of the future?
Have the Bible’s historical statements about ancient Babylon been verified from history? Were its prophecies concerning Babylon fulfilled accurately?
Are the records of ancient Egypt in the Bible historically accurate?
About the Show
Discover the world of archaeology where ancient artifacts hold secrets that speak to us today.

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