The Table
The Table is the place where we share, laugh and dream together. It’s a TV panel show featuring real women; smart and sassy ladies with real lives, real families, real struggles and real joy.

Are millennials (and younger) a whole different breed? How to reduce your sugar intake. And the chance for your kids to participate in the Weet-Bix Kids Tryathlon, free!
The Table’s very first episode! Meet Fiona, Rachel, Maryellen & Shona as they tackle issues facing women today—C-sections and screaming babies, eating to lose weight and some cute lunchbox hacks. And comedian Hannah Boland tells her story of recovery after devastating loss.
Kids are being sent to meditation instead of detention. Could 36 questions and a 4 minute gaze make you fall in love with a stranger? Considering going paleo? Don’t.
Can women have it all? Be inspired by the true story behind Oscar-nominated Hidden Figures. Make your own cough medicine and bath bombs.
Closing the gender pay gap. Medical volunteers save lives around the world – can you help? Introducing Project Strong Woman. The secrets of a successful marriage.
The most common cause of birth defects, and you’ve never heard of it | Declutter your life | Core muscle fitness | Fighting back against cyberbullying | Gluten-free quiches.
These $10 menstrual cups save money and change lives in developing countries | Don’t feed bread to wild animals | Book review: The First 7 Years | Are you an organ donor?
The kiss that killed a baby | How to get more veggies into your kids | Suffer from FOLO? The fear of living offline | Live music by mum and singer-songwriter Melissa Otto.
Sometimes good parenting means letting kids risk injury | Get out and get gardening! | Is The Shack movie worth a look? | Breaking down generational divides.
Angry discipline vs loving discipline | Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive | Stay at home dads | Meet Louisa Hope, survivor of Sydney’s Lindt Café siege.
The terrible twos don’t exist, it’s bad parenting | Try Gia’s tofu mousse | 3 tips for breast self-examination | Everyday challenges of a community counsellor | Teach your kids to pray.
Are teenage brains different? | Kids are exposed to porn younger than you might think | Meet Dr Patricia Weerakoon, sexologist | Breaking my digital addiction.
Daycare, homecare, grandparents? | Let thy food be thy medicine | Delicious pesto recipe | Would you buy that outfit if you knew slaves made it? | Kids birthday parties go OTT.
About the Show
The Table is the place where we share, laugh and dream together. It’s a TV panel show featuring real women; smart and sassy ladies with real lives, real families, real struggles and real joy. But The Table is more than a series of awesome videos. It’s also an invitation for conversation via our website and various social media platforms and an opportunity to dig deeper by reading in-depth articles and making our recipes and hands-on tips a reality. We want our viewers—no, our community—to feel a sense of friendship and belonging at The Table as well as sensing that their self-worth, their health, their relationships, their faith and their worldview are being transformed for the better.
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