Bible and Christian Living
Bible and Christian Living. Presented by Adrian Webster and William Arama.

Outward actions are always motivated by internal thoughts. Actions never grow out of a vacuum. Who is the throne of you heart and life? Is it time to dethrone the heart idolatries and to enthrone Jesus Christ?
A marine VHF radio is like a lifeline that can be used to call for help in an emergency. Like this radio, God says in your distress, “call to me and I will answer you.”
Unfortunately two young children drowned in 2007 because a bung was not secure. Never let your guard down, the Bible says the devil is like a roaring lion so be vigilant and be on your guard.
When he was young, he had a puppy die from a disease. Unfortunately there was a vaccine available that would have prevented the death if only they chose to give it. In life we are infected with the deadly virus of sin. Is there a vaccine to save us?
Marriage is the joining of two hearts and lives together for as long as life shall last. The Bible says many things about marriage but how should we take the phrase “wives submit to your husbands”?
What happens when you go to sea without a life jacket? Although many people have done this before, it only takes a second to turn a good day into a bad day. This episode describes how to have a safety net for everyday life.
Life isn’t always fair. Tragedy in one form or another is guaranteed. We need something more than this world’s prospects and dreams to live for.
God wants us to be physically healthy and he also wants us to be Spiritually healthy. So what are the benefits of physical activity and how do we maintain a spiritually healthy lifestyle?
Radio control cars do whatever the driver tells them to do so long as it has a good connection with the controller. For us, life works best when we are living in connection with Heaven’s direction.
We all experience it. It usually causes us to do and say things that we later regret. It’s called “Anger”. But what does anger reveal about what we care and are passionate about?
About the Show
Bible and Christian Living. Presented by Adrian Webster and William Arama.

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