Beyond the Search
An epic story that gives new perspective to a world in crisis

What’s going on? Where are we headed? Is anyone in control? Beyond Disaster explores environmental, social and financial events to find the bigger picture that unites them all. From deforestation of the Amazon to moral degeneration of society, from the food crisis in your local supermarket to the future fears of Wall Street, Beyond Disaster uncovers an epic story that gives hope to a world in crisis.
Loyalty and commitment don’t just happen. They result from the positive choices and changes we make in our lives. Beyond Talk explores the commitment needed for a successful, lasting marriage, the mental preparation for the world’s most dangerous sport, and the dedication to survive big-wave surfing. Loyalty to God involves a choice, commitment and dedication with benefits that last forever! Go beyond superficial talk and discover genuine and lasting happiness.
When Harry Truman was warned to leave his home because nearby Mount St Helens was about to erupt, he was faced with a dilemma. Beyond Warning seeks insight into the human response to such choices among the survivors of Hurricane Katrina, the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia and Mount St Helens. Their stories will guide you when considering your response to the Bible’s warning of not dissimilar events soon to come.
In this episode, we go to Hell. We’re there to find the story of our ultimate destiny. Is Hell a real place? If so, what does that tell us about a God who claims to be loving and just? And if not, then where did the concept originate? For many, life on earth really is like hell. Beyond Hell reveals a place of peace beyond trouble and misery, in an eternity of abundance, free from pain and oppression.
Why are we so interested in what happens after we die? Ghosts, vampires and the undead are the themes of society’s most popular movies, books and tales. Beyond Death enters the home of vampires to find out why, and shows the lengths and expense to which some people will go to cheat death. Beyond the conflicting notions about what happens when we die, there is one absolute: your destiny is your choice
Few experiences are as soul-destroying as falling victim to a scam. In the great cosmic conflict, humankind bought into a scam about God’s intentions and character. Beyond Counterfeit is this story, true yet stranger than fiction, with devastating consequences. We only see beyond the counterfeit when we recognize the real thing.
Electrical devices aren’t the only things that burn out. People and relationships do too, and often for the same reason - overload. In this digital age where we’re bombarded with multiple messages requiring instant action, we’re under pressure, with less time to do more. How do we survive in this? Beyond our busy lives there is a safety switch that guards against a blown brain-circuit and delivers real rest and peace.
The laws of a country tell us a lot about its people and their character. Likewise, God’s rules tell us a much about Him and His kingdom. In our story, the villain attacks God by attacking His rules. Beyond Rules visits a country that has tried to resist the influence of law, and also explores how love makes a huge difference in our attitude towards rules.
We all have to deal with guilt at some point in our lives. Whether we do or not will either free us or take us deeper into entrapment of one kind or another. Beyond Guilt talks with Emmanuel Jal, a child soldier in the Sudanese civil war, and reveals how he dealt with his guilt overload. Renowned psychologist, Dr Arch Hart, gives insights into the psychology of guilt, revealing the peace that lies beyond it.
When you are lost, a GPS is helpful. But when you are trapped, you require a rescue plan. British yachtsman Tony Bullimore and two underground miners from Beaconsfield, Tasmania, share their amazing rescue stories and recount the joy of reunion with friends and family after their near-death experiences. Their stories take us beyond our local predicament to the epic rescue that planet Earth so desperately needs.
Everyone is searching for a hero. Some look to comics, celebrities, and even sports stars. Beyond Heroes investigates this theme at Comicon International in San Diego, behind the bars of a notorious gaol, and on the cobbled streets of old Jerusalem. Do we need a hero? Or are we looking for something much bigger? Who are the heroes you look up to? Do they really have your best interest at heart?
Miraculously preserved for two millennia, ancient scrolls contain a narrative that places our world in the middle of a cosmic drama. Beyond Belief looks for confirmation that what these texts contain can be trusted as true. Explore Italy’s beautiful Waldensian Valley, Israel’s Qumran caves, and hear a first-hand account of a man tortured to the point of death for his belief in what these ancient texts contained.
Do you want to live a life without pain? Although we don’t like it, pain is a vital part of life! Yet we challenge the reason for its existence when we ask questions like, Why do bad things happen to good people? or How could a loving God allow pain? Beyond Pain explores physical, mental and spiritual pain to reveal deeper, life changing issues. Pain doesn’t make sense if God is all-loving and all-powerful. Or does it?
Deadly conflicts are occurring on almost every continent, but these wars are the consequence of a bigger struggle for power. Beyond Conflict explores the role gossip plays in stirring up conflict and drops into a robotics conference in South Korea to find the purpose of life. Take time to look beyond the conflict and find meaning in the bigger picture.
About the Show
An epic story that gives new perspective to a world in crisis. The ‘Beyond The Search’ documentary series explores some of life’s biggest questions, including: Why do we have pain and suffering? What happens when we die? Filmed across Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Pacific, Beyond the Search give’s a new perspective on current world events and our role in them. Winner of 14 international film awards, Beyond the search was also selected by the United Nations for the Global Wake-Up film festival.

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