Personal Development

Personal development is essential for fulfilling our God-given potential and living a life that honors Him. The Bible encourages us to grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). By pursuing personal development, we strive to improve ourselves in various aspects, including character, skills, and knowledge, aligning our lives more closely with God's will. This section offers resources and advice on personal growth, helping you to develop into the person God created you to be, with a focus on faith-based principles and values.

Is Your Child a Bully?

Can you recognise the signs of favour and fear transmitted by children? Devyani Borade looks at what really happens on the playground.

The Assent of Degeneration

Violence fuelled by alcohol is rising in Australia, but Geoff Youlden believes the media plays an equal part in the demise of values and virtues.

The Truth About Getting Drunk

So often seen as a normal part of the lives of young people, binge drinking is increasingly putting those lives at risk. Victor Parachin reports.

Ben Carson: The Faith of a Surgeon

Jarrod Stackelroth explores the life and faith of one ofthe world's bestknown and "gifted" neurosurgeons.

True Survivor: Stan Walker

Winning Australian Idol 2009 may have changed the externals of his life, but inside it's already been transformed. Melody Tan chats to Stan Walker.

From the Ashes

Just days after devastating fires ripped through rural Victoria, Adele Nash spoke with one family who'd lost everything. Almost.

Behind the Joneses

Keeping up with the Joneses has become less expensive recently, with the shift of production to developing countries. However, there are hidden costs, as Kristin Thiele reveals.

Getting in Shape

According to Seth Pierce, martial arts training is in some ways similar to attending church.

Ready or Not

I have often found the second coming of Jesus to be quite a daunting proposition. It somehow felt like Jesus’ return would actually stop me from achieving some of my personal goals.

Regaining Control of Your Life

We've all been told that what we think can determine how we feel. But Peter Cousins believes managing our lives goes much deeper than that.

Stop Pain From Taking Over Your Life

Is an old hurt holding you back? Patty Froese Ntihemuka tells us how we can more readily accept a gift of love.

Ancient Antidote for a Modern Malaise

Stress is an acknowledged killer in Western societies. But to that there's a simple, God-given solution, says Cathy Ireland. You just need to be willing to try it.

Role models and cheer squads

Want to help children "succeed" and "do well" in life? Then cheer them on.

The Ecstasy of Doing

Samir Selmanovic considers the roles of "rules" and practice in the religious experience of falling in love.

Single mum with four girls

My biggest concern is that my girls do not want to go to church with me anymore. They have thrown away the values I taught them.

The Secret Selling Us Short

A best-selling book with various celebrity endorsements is no guarantee of spiritual truth. Adele Nash considers the hype surrounding The Secret.

Don't Act Your Age

So how old do you see yourself? Turn back the clock and you just might live more!

Fears and Phobias

Where do you get your strength? Glenis Lindley discusses the thoughts that plague many of us.

Don't Panic

Is there anything I can do to prevent myself from becoming panic struck?

The Happiest Christmas Gift

Live More! with Darren Morton

The Family Treasure

Lifeguide with family life counsellor Trafford Fisher

Cadel Evans: The Man Behind the Bars

While the Australian road cyclist is at the top of his game, Braden Blyde discovers there's more to Evans than the sports-star stereotype.

Guiding Stars

Just how accurate are horoscopes and can they really tell our future?

Dealing with Panic Attacks

I have no social life, and my children are growing up and will soon leave home. I am in urgent need of help.

Anger Management

Video games and violence have gone hand in hand since the first Space Invader was zapped 25 years ago.

Looking for Hope

In different ways, all Australians have been affected by drought. Daniel Reynaud ponders the meaning of hope amid the dry.

The Conversation

She wanted to end it all, but God had other plans.

How a Catholic Nun Became a CHIP Evangelist

Sister Pat, a Missionary Sister of Service, has truly become a CHIP evangelist.

Tips to Help You Save Time

In our time-poor lives, there seems never to be enough of the commodity. But is that true? Donald Wetmore tells how to make the most of the time you have.

Accepting Your Body

Andrew Cate offers a refreshing perspective on loving your body in all its uniqueness. Gain practical tips for boosting self-esteem and creating a more positive body image that aligns with a fulfilling and healthy life.

Six Years

“So what’s it like having a dead dad?” It's not a question you want to be asked shortly after losing your father.

Jeff Kennett Beats the Blues

A 20 year veteran of politics, Jeff Kennett sees his not-for-profit work addressing depression in Australia as more important.

Mastering the Art of Love

Love is the most beautiful of gifts God has given to us. It’s worth taking a few minutes to figure out how to keep it alive. Let’s begin at the top . . .

I Could be Mistaken

Everybody makes mistakes. Kim Peckham offers his mistake ridden life as an illustration.

Dr Phil's Grand Appeal

In a world where "for better and for worse" is an anachronism, this guy gives the case for real relationships a chance. And women love him for it, as Lifeguide columnist Trafford Fischer discovered.

Strength Through Adversity

There is backlash from both sides for the Christian man or woman who struggles with same-sex attraction but chooses to obey God’s law.

Healing Love

What happens when your private demons start hurting those around you? Jennifer Schwirzer, pictured, shares her journey of both spiritual and physical healing.

In praise of the ordinary

Carrying out ordinary tasks doesn’t make us insignificant, says Vanesa Pizzuto. On the contrary, that’s what makes us great!

When My Father Died

Exploring the harder issues of life - and finding comfort

How Not to Die

Kim Peckham shares his tips on how not to die too early.

How to Say No

You can still be nice and still set boundaries and say "No"

Optimism: A New Way of Life

Optimism is the key to a joyful, successful and fulfilling life, recommends Bob Farrant.

What Technology is Doing to Our Hearts

We've all heard about the ills of the internet. But did you know it could affect our sense of empathy and compassion as well?

Going Deeper

Overcoming his fears the sea helped Glenn Townend grow His relationship with God.

No Regrets

Reflecting on the significance of a day

I'm not a PK

"You’re a pastor’s kid, so you should really start behaving like one." Newsflash: having a parent as a pastor doesn't make someone a PK.

Hitting 90, and still here . . .

John Knight, aka media medic Dr James Wright, hitting 90, says he’s grateful after beating life-threatening cancer, twice.

Being Organised and How to Get There

The first step to becoming efficient and more productive in life is to get organised. This five-point plan will help you confront misguided thinking that says you can't.

Standing in the Gap

We need each other. David Edgren explains how we can help others accomplish their true potential.

Inside the Lines

No longer just something you did with—or for—your children, adults now have a legitimacy in the world of the colouring-in book, a phenomena taking the world by storm.

Dealing with Anger

I know God has not brought this anger upon me but I struggle to understand why He has not stepped in and been more visible in my life.

My Life Verse

This addiction can damage the way you perceive life and other people, to the extent that no marital partner will ever meet your desires. This addiction is very real

Much Appreciated

During this Christmas season, Cat Thompson tells us why it's important to possess an attitude of gratitude.

Digital Disconnect

This new digital paradigm is changing how we relate to society, families, friends and God.

Choose Kindness

Catriona Rowntree on words of wisdom from her grandmother

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Exploring the impact of diet on this special mother-daughter relationship

Life really is beautiful

Mood disorders affect us all to some extent. Lee Dunstan interviewed Graeme Frauenfelder, who experienced the worst—and won.

My Life Spring Clean

How much of your "stuff" could you live without? Kristel Rae finds a microcosm of her life in her bathroom cupboard.


James Standish's birthday isn't until June, but he already knows what he wants as a present. The answer may surprise you.

Obsession about possessions

Consumerism threatens to destroy us and our world, warns Brendan Pratt. Here’s what we can do about it.

Medical Hotline: December 2006

Medical Hotline with Dr James Wright

Is the Glass Half-Full?

Trafford Fischer figures out what it takes to be happy.

The Game Where Nobody Wins

As marriage increasingly eludes more and more people, an age-old competition may be escalating.

You can bet on it!

Problem gambling is becoming a problem for the whole society.

Fight Obesity in Kids

Obesity in childhood strongly predisposes to obesity in adulthood. Yet many parents are oblivious to the fact that their child is carrying around more than just puppy fat and they assume their child will simply grow out of it.

A Different Plan

When I was a little girl, I would go stay at my grandmother’s house just to be away from home. My parents didn’t love one another.

Low-GI Eating Can Control Your Sugar

Millions of overweight people around the world have above normal blood sugar levels, but few realise how dangerous this is.

The Kokoda Track

Andrew Cate walked the Kokoda Track with six friends looking for adventure, and a better insight into a significant part of Australia's war history.

A Pirates Life – Not for me

"Pirates who sail the seas aren't so different from the ones who slouch in front of screens. Both break the law and destroy lives . . ."

Forgiven, Not Forgotten

His life spiraled out of control. Then, about to crashland, he came to his senses. Tony Lungren describes his journey to God.

Knit One, Purl Two

KT Marie Wallis finds the beginning and the end - and everything in between-of her life's projects.

You Don't Have to be an Olympian

You don't have to train like an athlete to enjoy the many benefits of exercise. Personal trainer Andrew Cate shows that the meaning of fitness is different for everyone.

When Three's a Crowd

Lifeguide with counsellor Deanna Pitchford

Training for a Fun Run

Organised walks and fun runs are a great motivational opportunity for getting fit and losing weight. Andrew Cate shows you how to get started.

Harping of Heaven

A too literal view of heaven leads to conceptual difficulties. Better to keep it simple, suggests Kim Peckham, who has his own view of Paradise.

To laugh is to live

Open up and say ha ha ha ha. Doctor’s orders. By Julie Guirgis.

Hard luck

While regulators ignore appeals from the grassroots, the gambling industry continues to gobble up profits. All just harmless fun? Don’t bet on it.

Engaging the Enemy

The war against the enemy is so brutal that we need strong, heavy-duty armour.

A Work in Progress

Using his home's perpetual renovation as an allegory, the author explores the theme of personal and spiritual growth. Despite the visible disrepair and others' judgments, he focuses on the end result, paralleling how God views individuals as complete in Jesus, in spite of their ongoing development and imperfections.

Offering Support

Life can make you better or bitter. The children of divorced couples can be proactive with their empathy if they choose to do so.

Beauty Matters

Femininity creates a desire to be beautiful and to make the world a more beautiful place. Michele Howe explains.

The smartphone dilemma

While our smartphones might be convenient, Scott Wegener warns that we need to be aware of the potential problems they can create in our lives, if we aren’t careful.

Why Studying the "Good Book" is Good for You

God's Word holds many blessings. Victor Parachin explains the benefits of studying it regularly.

Declared innocent

It’s easy to become discouraged when you try to overcome a sin, only to find yourself falling right back into it. But there is a solution.

Mother-in-law Troubles

Patience and kindness can heal a difficult relationship.

The Spiritual Wounds of Abuse

More than 10 years of sexual abuse—at the hands of a "good Christian man", no less—is more than enough to distort one's picture of God. “I know God is good," says *Rachel. "I just haven't seen any of it."

Resolutions You Can Keep

Kim Peckham asks about those fast-fading New Year's resolutions and offers advice to help you keep next year's.

Getting Control

Most of us will never kill someone else, but our hearts are not innocent of such thoughts.explores the thought life that leads to law-breaking.

Keeping it Simple

We're often told to think big. But sometimes it's the simple ideas that prove the most successful (anyone remember the Pet Rock and the slinky?).

Bible Discovery: A Happy New Year

Understand the balance between material wealth and spiritual service as taught by Jesus, exploring the concepts of trust, provision, and the pursuit of righteousness over riches.

Make Christmas Great

How to enjoy this holiday without the financial stress

God's Guiding Hand

At the worst of times, God often seems the closest. Glenis Lindley tells the story of one such day.

No Butts, take control and quit smoking

Take control of your life again, and break the smoking habit with 8 ways to help you quit

A step too far

Confronted with her troubled past, Vicki finds solace in a pastor's reassurance of God's forgiveness, challenging her belief in the unpardonable sin and reigniting her faith.


Paul Fua's life has been much like his epic adventure around Australia on a jet ski. There have been many ups and downs, but—by the grace of God—it's been one heck of a good ride.

Drink Deeply

Devoting time to God requires more intention that first thought

How to be a better man

The secret to being a real man, says Victor Parachin, is to learn the fine art of kindness.

ABCs of Stress-free Parenting

The alphabet of parenting wisdom, starting with affirmation of a child's individuality to zeroing in on priorities, crafting a roadmap for a supportive, enriching family life.

Striving for Gold: Tamsyn Lewis

Robert Drane talks with one of Australia's Olympic medal hopes about things that are important to her, on and off the running track.

Taking the Humbug out of Christmas Finances

Ebenezer Scrooge's three spirits of Christmas still live on if you let them. Gordon Botting suggests three ways to save money without losing spirit.