The Flexibility of Inspiration

The Flexibility of Inspiration

Bible prophecy is about much more than simply telling what’s going to happen in the future.

Bible prophecy is about much more than simply telling what’s going to happen in the future.

Borge SchantzMar 20, 2023, 12:37 AM

Christian believe prophe

The book of Daniel, the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), and the letters from Paul (13 books from Romans to Philemon) foretold signs in heaven, 

These end-time prophecies were recorded without minor details. Since the disasters predicted have to some degree always been present in history, the effect has been that in the years since Jesus died, many generations have interpreted these prophecies for their own times, with many expecting the soon second coming of Jesus in their lifetime. However, while we may indeed be living in the end time, with signs of the times being fulfilled at an ever- increasing speed, it’s important to remember that “no-one knows about that day or hour [of Christ’s return], not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mat- thew 24:36). 

4. Global Anti-Christian Religious campaigns

The prophecies in both Daniel and Revelation deal specifically with political and religious forces that fight against divine purposes. The attempts to undermine God’s sovereignty over the affairs of men and the persecution of God’s people in all ages are set forth in symbolic pictures. Daniel wrote about a lion with wings, a bear with ribs in its mouth, a leopard with four heads and a ferocious beast with iron teeth and 10 horns (Daniel 7:4–8). The same kind of symbolic language is used in the book of Revelation, describing a beast with horns, dragons, harlots, s

Foretelling Hope

Many of the Bible’s prophecies are related to specific situations for God’s people and serve as promises or warnings. Most importantly, the Bible’s fulfilled prophecies help us to understand that we can trust God’s Word. They give us hope and encourage us to persevere in our walk with God, giving support to the Bible’s divine origin. 


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