
The gift of prophecy is a divinely inspired message given to guide, instruct, and encourage the Church. It plays a crucial role in revealing God’s will and affirming His truth. Prophecy serves as a means of communication between God and His people, providing direction and insight. Our articles explore the biblical foundation, purpose, and manifestation of the prophetic gift, offering historical and contemporary perspectives. Learn about the role of prophecy in guiding the Church, its relevance today, and how to discern true prophetic messages.

What Are the Seven Spirits of God in Revelation?

Discover the meaning of the seven spirits in Revelation, symbolising the Holy Spirit’s fullness, divine perfection, and Christ’s authority guiding believers.

Who Is John That Wrote the Book of Revelation?

Discover the identity of John, the author of Revelation, traditionally known as John the Apostle. Explore historical evidence, theological insights, and alternative views on this key biblical figure.”

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Book of Revelation, often shrouded in mystery and awe, is more than a prophetic glimpse into future events. At its heart, it is “the revelation of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:1, NKJV), a divine message intended to unveil Jesus’ character, mission, and ultimate victory over evil.

1260 days to years

The day-for-year principle is a hermeneutical approach to interpreting certain biblical prophecies, particularly the 1260 days, the 70 weeks and the 2300 days as found in the eschatological books of Daniel and Revelation. This principle asserts in specific prophetic contexts a day symbolises a year

Noah's Hope

What does an ancient story about a worldwide flood tell us about our world today? Clifford Goldstein finds out.

God's Final Altar Call

The prophecies of Revelation reveal much about both history and contemporary times, as Mark Finley shows.

God Delivers a New Earth

Will there ever be peace on earth?

What I see Ahead

Geoff Youlden looks at the world around us and the sure signs of the soon return of Jesus!

After the War

From Revelation to Renewal: God's Plan for a World Without Evil - Uncover the biblical narrative that foretells the defeat of darkness and the rise of a new earth, free from death and suffering, as prophesied in Revelation.

How Attitudes Have Changed!

Pope Benedict's visit to Australia suggests a clear shift in thinking. Historian Arthur Patrick explains.

God's GPS

A Divine guidance system for your life

A not-so-green world

The article delves into the significance of earthquakes, famines, and pestilences as the biblical signs of Jesus' second coming, offering a message of ultimate hope.

Money Meltdown

Many thinking people are asking whether the current global economic crisis is foretold in Revelation, namely chapter 18. Ed Dickerson responds to that question.

Anticipating the end

In the final article in his series on last-day signs, Clifford Goldstein homes in on THE final sign.

Not like the movies . . .

The second coming of Christ as outlined in the Bible is a reality that you won’t miss, as Bjorn Karlman explains.

Religion None

What's the fastest growing religious status group means for the world

European (Dis)Union?

Geoff Youlden believes the fate of Europe was predicted a long time ago.

Arctic Meltdown

Witness the changes in the Arctic landscape as sea ice hits historical lows. Dive into discussions on wildlife adaptation, global weather patterns, and the urgent call for environmental stewardship.

Our Future in the Past

While science offers evidence that Planet Earth is in terminal decline, there is hope for its inhabitants

The Great War

The battle in heaven still rages on

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Unpack the implications of a rapidly growing population on water resources, the resulting geopolitical tensions, and the biblical prophecies that frame these end-time signs.

Charles Fitch: herald of Christ's return

William Miller proclaimed the nearness of Christ's return. Charles Fitch became one of his most ardent followers. Arthur Patrick tells the story.

A Planet in Crisis

As global crises align with biblical prophecies, the article argues that these signs point to the nearing return of Jesus, urging awareness rather than date-setting.

Finding Hope

As our world spirals towards an Armageddon ending, Gary Webster believes the Bible's predictions concerning our times offers some insight.

The "Big One" Is Coming

Geoff Youlden reflects on the meaning of the earthquakes that have struck the world in recent years, especially in the western Pacific.

120 years of Signs of the Times!

Explore the rich history of 'Signs of the Times,' from its 1886 hand-pressed beginnings to today's vibrant digital presence. Dive into the magazine's journey of faith, prophecy, and Christian reflection over 120 years.

Fewer experts, more prophets?

Are the financial predictions of today’s economists any more reliable than the predictions of the biblical prophets?

Waiting for the doomsday disease

In light of Jesus’ statement that pestilences will be one of the signs that His return is near, where do epidemics fit in?

ISIL and Christianity: not that different?

Terrorists see themselves as a prophetic movement that will bring on the apocalypse. Could they be right?

A Big Picture View of Daniel

It is very easy to be distracted by the detail of Bible prophecy, so it's sometimes beneficial to stand back and take a fresh look.

The Gift of Prophecy

God desires to communicate with people. Graeme Loftus explains that, while sin has separated us from God, He wants to speaking to us through the Gift of Prophecy.

Facing Your Past

A judgement day is really coming

The Great War . . . 100 Years On

While there is nothing to celebrate about war, Geoff Youlden says the cenotaphs and memorials in most towns testify to its place in our national culture.

Last-days Extremism

What warning did Jesus give concerning last-day deceptions?

2012 and the End of the World

Steve Wohlberg examines the blend of prophecy and pop culture surrounding 2012 doomsday predictions, contrasting Hollywood's depiction with biblical perspectives on the end times and the eternal promise of hope.

Trial of the Century

Christians sometimes call Christ’s second coming “the great judgement day,” which it surely will be. But is that God’s only judgement mentioned in the Bible?

Second Coming: Escape or Energiser?

Is faith all about another world or is it about living now? Nathan Brown finds a call to make a difference now in Jesus' promises of the Second Coming.

The End of the World ... Again?

According to one prediction, 2016 will mark the end of the world—the day God “puts an end to sin.”

God's Vision for the Future

Students at Canberra's Macquarie Primary School were asked to close their eyes and imagine the year 2020 then write what they saw.

The Day the World Ended

They thought their lives were secure - until Mount Vesuvius erupted

Marathon Ended

The tragedy of the Boston bombings carries a great warning for our lives, according to Lee Dunstan.

Our Ageing Earth

Robert Wearner explains that in spite of its apparent solidity, the earth under our feet is constantly changing.

The beginning

Ed Gallagher says finding hope for the end of the world requires looking in an unexpected place . . .

The Growing Food Crisis

The world is on the brink of a major food crisis, but in spite of grave prospects, there is hope.

The Coming Food Crisis

Have you noticed that food prices are surging at the supermarkets?

Is The Sky Falling?

With the recent rise in natural disasters is the planet telling us something?

Instant Messaging

Teenagers are among the most prolific mobile phone, text-message users.

Why You Can Trust God

John Bradshaw explains why you can rely on God to lead you through your dark and difficult times.

Last Strike

With the threat of nuclear war seemingly increasing, will it be the likely cause of the end of the world?

The Real Star Wars

The Bible presents God as a personal being who created us as persons. He made the universe, but is distinct from it.

The grandfather of Eurosceptics?

In 603 BC, God allowed a Babylonian politician to look down through the unborn years of time and "paint" a broad-strokes picture of the events unfolding in Europe today.

Our Times: August 2005

Internet doomsayers eyeing a 12th-century Catholic prophecy believe that judgment is nigh.

Can we still believe the bible? Book Review

A fresh answer to an old question that questions the Bible's relevance today in a transforming and challenging way.

Aflockalypse Now?

Unraveling the Mystery: Mass Animal Deaths and the End Times - Explore the truth behind the global incidents of mass animal deaths and what they truly signify in light of biblical prophecies and scientific explanations.

Wars and Rumours of Wars

Given the increasing number of conflicts around the world, are we are hurtling toward the end of the world?

2012: Is the End Written in Stone?

Many people today expect global disaster to occur in the year 2012. Should you be concerned? Ed Dickerson examines the evidence.

The Emperor's Dream

The future of the world thousands of years before it happens.

The Prophecy of the Messiah

Buried inside your Bible are amazing prophecies. Signs looks at some concerning the arrival of the baby Jesus two millennia ago-made 500 years before His birth.

The Mad Max apolcalyse

The second coming of Christ, and the events that will follow, sounds like the plot of one epic post-apocalyptic movie.

The Rich Sport

Do money and sport go hand in hand? Geoff Youlden tells us how rich corporations have more control than we may think.

The Flexibility of Inspiration

Bible prophecy is about much more than simply telling what’s going to happen in the future.

The earthquake that will end time

In late August, damaging earthquakes struck such diverse places as Italy and Myanmar. Is this what Jesus said was coming at the end of the world?

When-and Where-Will it End?

The recent London subway and bus bombings are a reminder that we live in an age of terrorism.

Greed in the last days

How we relate to wealth will become an issue as the final events of earth’s history unfold.

The guarantee of Jesus' return

Before Jesus left the earth He said He would return. But after nearly 2000 years, how can Christians believe that promise?

The third temple prophecy

Do events in the nation of Israel mark the beginning of the so-called end times? Will a new Jewish temple be built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem?

What Jesus Said About the Last Day

Some people believe the world is getting better and better, but Clifford Goldstein points out that Jesus dispelled that idea some 2000 years ago.

The Curse of the Forbidden Prophecy

Was Jesus real? Is He believable?

Satan’s spy chips

The Bible speaks of a “mark of the beast” that will be used to identify people in Earth’s last days. Is chip technology the way it will happen?

Cyrus the Great

Used by God, unknowingly. Praised by God's people, unashamedly. David Edgren explores one of history's most intriguing conquerors.

The times we live in

There’s a better day coming.