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The Table
Living better | The Table TV | Ep 6
The most common cause of birth defects, and you’ve never heard of it | Declutter your life | Core muscle fitness | Fighting back against cyberbullying | Gluten-free quiches.
The most common cause of birth defects, and you’ve never heard of it | Declutter your life | Core muscle fitness | Fighting back against cyberbullying | Gluten-free quiches.
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The Table
Introducing… | The Table TV | Ep 1
The Table’s very first episode! Meet Fiona, Rachel, Maryellen & Shona as they tackle issues facing women today—C-sections and screaming babies, eating to lose weight and some cute lunchbox hacks. And comedian Hannah Boland tells her story of recovery after devastating loss.
Kids are being sent to meditation instead of detention. Could 36 questions and a 4 minute gaze make you fall in love with a stranger? Considering going paleo? Don’t.
Can women have it all? Be inspired by the true story behind Oscar-nominated Hidden Figures. Make your own cough medicine and bath bombs.