
The Trinity is a foundational Christian belief that describes one God in three coeternal Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This divine tri-unity exemplifies perfect unity, love, and cooperation, each Person fulfilling distinct roles in the plan of salvation. Understanding the Trinity enriches our comprehension of God’s nature and His work in the world, from creation to redemption and sanctification. Dive into our articles to explore the mystery and majesty of the Trinity, its scriptural basis, and its significance for our faith and worship.

Unconfusing the Confusing

Seth Pierce asks why Christians talk about three Gods when Christianity claims to worship one.

Holy, Holy, Holy

Understanding the Godhead

No Longer Lonely

We have a Holy team who will support and encourage us.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Trying to make sense of the Trinity

God is a Family

Three in One, One as Three? What the Trinity really means.

The Trinity

"They obviously appeared as physical beings with the faces and voices ... the same as those they had when they died"