The Sabbath

The Sabbath is a sacred day of rest and worship, set apart by God as a sign of His creation and redemption. Observing the Sabbath allows us to reconnect with our Creator, rest from our labors, and reflect on His goodness. It is a time to deepen our relationship with God, find spiritual renewal, and strengthen our bonds with family and community. This section provides a rich collection of articles on the biblical basis for the Sabbath, its historical significance, and practical ways to keep it holy. Discover the profound blessings and spiritual enrichment that come from honoring this special day.

Remember the Sabbath, Keep It Holy

This holiness is not something we bestow upon the day; rather, it is a sanctity declared by God Himself. Just as certain objects, places, and even people were consecrated for divine purposes in Scripture, the Sabbath is a segment of time that God has designated as sacred.

Is the Sabbath Saturday or Sunday?

The Sabbath, biblically established as Saturday, remains unchanged in Scripture as the seventh day of rest and worship. Sunday observance arose centuries later due to cultural, political, and religious influences, not a biblical mandate. Discover the historical and theological truths behind this important question.

The Sabbath Meaning

The Sabbath meaning is more than just a day of rest; it is a divine invitation to step into a sacred rhythm established at creation. From its origin in Genesis to its reaffirmation in Revelation, the Sabbath emerges as a cornerstone of faith that nurtures our relationship with God and others.

What day is the Sabbath

The Sabbath, according to the Bible, is the seventh day of the week—Saturday—set apart by God at Creation as a day of rest, worship, and renewal.

Of Busyness and Rest

Has life become more convenient or more busy? Signs explores what we miss when life gets too fast.

Antidote for Stress

Gary Krause believes the answer to reducing the pressure in our stress-filled lives lies in one simple day.

From Saturday to Sunday

Samuele Bacchiocchi identifies three factors that influenced Christians in the first few centuries after Christ to adopt the observance of Sunday

From Sunday to Sabbath

Doug Batchelor, gives a straightforward explanation of why he worships on Saturday.

Digital Thunder

We are now at a point where ‘digital overload’ is impacting our health and relationships. What's the solution...

A Gift in Time

Delve into the sanctity of the Sabbath, a day set apart by God for rest, worship, and familial bonds, as a divine gift inviting us to pause, reflect, and embrace spiritual rejuvenation.

Your Special Day

One whole day a week to disconnect from the busyness of your life? David Edgar shows you how to obtain its full benefits.

What a Difference a Day Makes

How would you feel if everyone said "Happy birthday!" to you a day late each year? Graeme Loftus explores the importance of celebrating Sabbath on time.

Battle on a Mountaintop

Valasi is so much more than a remote Solomon Islands school with a few timber buildings and a couple of straw huts. It’s a beacon of hope in the midst of a spiritual battlefield.

To Number Our Days

The unrestrained life is busy, cluttered and frustrating. Loren Seibold contemplates the wisdom of the planned life.

The beginning

Ed Gallagher says finding hope for the end of the world requires looking in an unexpected place . . .

The Rhythm of Life

The necessity of resting one day out of every seven is built into our human bodies and that of many other living creatures.

Toy Soldiers

A rest day is an essential ingredient of success

Why the Week is Seven Days Long

Most of us take the seven-day week for granted. Marvin Hunt explains how it came to be seven days and not six, eight or ten.

Why Don't Adventists Wear Blue Tassels

Whilst vegetarianism is clearly ideal . . . eating meat is not a sin—as even Jesus ate meat (Luke 24:42).

Finding Peace

The rest that results from a job well done is the best kind of rest on earth. Loron Wade explains.

A Symbol of Home

A flag declares much about a nation and her people. Mark Finley flies the flag of Christian commitment, joy and promise.

Pet shop prayer

What happened when a young woman shut her shop on the busiest day of the week in order to obey God?

The ultimate Valentine’s gift

Each February we set aside a day to celebrate romantic love. And Charissa Fong says God has also set aside a day when we celebrate His love for us and ours for Him.

Sabbath Is for Love

Jo Ann Davidson discovers and experiences the joy of Sabbath through Jewish traditions.

A View Through the Curtain

Yiannis Dimitrio unveils the profound shift from the Old Testament's Holy of Holies to the open access we now have to God through Christ, as epitomized by the tearing of the Temple curtain at Jesus' death.

The Sneakiest Strategy

The difficulty comes when your work time and your down time are so full that there’s no room for God time.

High School Missionary

Starting at a non-denominatonal school has enabled Emi to share her faith with her somewhat curious and at times doubtful peers.

The Forgotten Reformer

The story of Martin Luther's associate, Andreas Karlstadt

Dear diary: it's Sabbath

A day in the life of a Sabbath-keeper

From Sunday to Sabbath

Doug Batchelor explains why he switched from observing the Sabbath on Sunday, the first day of the week, to observing it on Saturday, the seventh day.

How to keep the Sabbath

There are many ways to enjoy the Sabbath that are in keeping with biblical principles.