The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity, actively working in our lives to convict, comfort, guide, and empower us. The Spirit leads us into all truth, transforming our hearts and minds to reflect Christ’s character. The Holy Spirit bestows spiritual gifts, enabling us to serve God and others effectively. This section provides in-depth articles on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life, the fruit of the Spirit, and the dynamic power available to us through His presence. Discover how to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and experience His transforming work.

Never Alone Again

Jesus has promised to be with us always - "to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).

Who is the Holy Spirit?

David Jarnes examines a question that theologians have debated for almost 2000 years: Is the Holy Spirit a real Being, an actual Person?

What Can You Expect From the Holy Spirit?

Nowhere in the Bible do we read a description of what He looks like, but Glenn Townend found Him to be a Companion he could count on.

What the Holy Spirit Will Do For You

God faced a huge problem several millennia ago, and according to Marvin Moore, it was the Holy Spirit who helped Him solve it.

Bible Discovery: True Spirituality

What promise did Jesus make to His disciples just before He died?

Holy Spirit: Person or Power

Is the Holy Spirit a power or a person? Is He simply a divine influence or the Divine Influencer? Pastor Anthony McPherson helps us get a handle on the identity of the Holy Spirit.

What the Holy Spirit can do for you

Marvin Moore points out several ways the Holy Spirit can help you to have a more meaningful spiritual life.

A View Through the Curtain

Yiannis Dimitrio unveils the profound shift from the Old Testament's Holy of Holies to the open access we now have to God through Christ, as epitomized by the tearing of the Temple curtain at Jesus' death.