The 10 Commandments

The 10 Commandments stand as a foundational pillar of moral guidance, offering divine principles that have shaped the lives of countless individuals throughout history. Each commandment provides insight into God’s character and His desire for humanity to live in harmony with Him and each other. Whether you are seeking to deepen your understanding of these sacred laws or to apply their wisdom to your daily life, this collection of articles will offer valuable perspectives and practical insights. Below, you’ll find a series of articles that delve into the meaning, history, and application of each commandment, helping you explore their relevance in today’s world.

10 Commandments

Moses goes up the mountain and receives from God 10 commandments on a stone tablet. This famous section of the Bible, is an integral story for Christians.

A Skeleton in Your Closet

Denne uses the skeleton as a metaphor for God's law, emphasizing the importance of internalizing moral principles to live a life that reflects genuine love and compassion.

From Sunday to Sabbath

Doug Batchelor, gives a straightforward explanation of why he worships on Saturday.

The Ten Commandments

In a world full of rules, Errol Webster explains why we need ten more.

Who do you Worship?

Worship is an attitude of the heart. In other words, what we love, we worship. Loron Wade points us to the only God who deserves our love and worship.

A View Through the Curtain

Yiannis Dimitrio unveils the profound shift from the Old Testament's Holy of Holies to the open access we now have to God through Christ, as epitomized by the tearing of the Temple curtain at Jesus' death.

Enforcing God's Law?

A battle is looming in the courts over these 10 rules. But there's much more to it than just who wins.

The Ten That Set Us Free

God's laws are not meant to be restrictive.

Unethical but legal

What do the Panama Papers teach us about the law and morality?

Do Christians Have to Keep God's Law?

Some Christians say that the Ten Commandments don't apply to God's people after the Cross, but Marvin Moore asks whether this is really true.