
Salvation is a transformative experience, beginning with accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior and continuing as we grow in faith and obedience. It encompasses justification, sanctification, and the hope of glorification. Through grace and faith, we are reconciled to God and empowered to live a new life in Christ. This section offers a deep exploration of the process of salvation, the role of grace and faith, and practical guidance on living out your new identity in Christ. Discover the joy and assurance of salvation and how it can transform every aspect of your life.

Goodness of God

Consider, if you will, the goodness of God, and draw from it hope unto salvation. The goodness of God is the very essence of His nature as revealed in the Bible.

Fate of the Unwarned

The Bible teaches that only those who believe in Jesus will gain eternal life. Borge Schantz asks, What happens to those who never heard about Jesus?

How to Know You're Saved

Is there anything I need to do?

Stop, Drop and Roll

I remember where I was and what I saw on that day. It was the first time I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.

Who is Man?

What was God's original idea in creating mankind? And what happened to it? Graeme Loftus gives an answer, based on Scripture.

The Finished Work

Take a look at the Easter message, the finished work of our Saviour.

Answers for Everything

Cristian Copaceanu inspects the judgment scene at the end of the Bible. What answers will it reveal about God?

Eternal Life Now?

We don't have to wait to enjoy the life Jesus has promised us in heaven

Not like the movies . . .

The second coming of Christ as outlined in the Bible is a reality that you won’t miss, as Bjorn Karlman explains.

Jesus Saves!

Have you ever felt bogged down by your selfish nature? Eric Hort reflects on the gift of freedom and life that Jesus provided on the cross.

Declared Innocent

Have you ever felt that God simple cannot accept you as innocent?

Work Out Your Own Salvation

There is something you just can't share. Robert Wolfgramm looks at one of the tough realities of life.

The World's Greatest Story

A story of God, His love, and us.

The Great War

The battle in heaven still rages on

Demons Know!

Jim Beyers wandered into spiritualism- but then he found a better path to happiness and peace of mind.

A Work in Progress

Using his home's perpetual renovation as an allegory, the author explores the theme of personal and spiritual growth. Despite the visible disrepair and others' judgments, he focuses on the end result, paralleling how God views individuals as complete in Jesus, in spite of their ongoing development and imperfections.

Who Is on Trial?

Judgement taking place in heaven. Who is judged, and who is judging?

Are You Too Sinful to be Saved

Some people believe that they are so sinful God couldn’t possibly be interested in saving them. Marvin Moore responds to this fear.

The Gospel and the Resurrection

Follow the apostle Paul to the ancient town of Corinth to learn about life, death and the future life.

Facing Your Past

A judgement day is really coming

God's Lamb, Our High Priest

The meaning of the Old Testament sacrificial system.

Overheard: January 2016

Overheard a worthy food-for-thought quote? Share it at

Why Be Baptised?

Tradition is diminished and its meaning often lost today. But for the seeker, when it comes to baptism, it's still non-negotiable. Harold Harker tells why.

Second Coming: Escape or Energiser?

Is faith all about another world or is it about living now? Nathan Brown finds a call to make a difference now in Jesus' promises of the Second Coming.

Bigger Than Batman

As Batman hits the big screen, we take a look at the biggest hero of all.

A Covenant That Works

Discover the enduring nature of God's covenant, as explained by Mark Finley, which promises salvation and a heart aligned with divine law, standing in stark contrast to the world's fragile pacts.

Once Saved, Maybe Saved?

Felicito Fernando wasn't sure he could answer "Yes" when asked whether he was saved. The answer he found to this question may help you to answer it too.

Why the Virgin Birth Matters

Mary's immaculate conception is a miracle with major implicaions

On My Best Behaviour

There’s a picture in my mind. It’s a picture of a picture, and I’m sure it’s there to stay. The picture was taken just a few months before I was introduced to Grant*.

The Real Star Wars

The Bible presents God as a personal being who created us as persons. He made the universe, but is distinct from it.

Saving Hamsters

Watching a pet die is never easy. David Edgren shares a story of life and death from his childhood.

Dead Men Can't Save You!

Glenn Townend reflects on our mortal human condition and inquires whether immortality is possible.

The Inclusiveness of God

Samir Selmanovic reveals the key ingredient in the nature of God that makes Him so compelling.

Lost and Found

In three simple lessons, Jesus taught us much about our condition. But He also revealed much more about Himself, as Limoni O'uiha explains.

The Prophecy of the Messiah

Buried inside your Bible are amazing prophecies. Signs looks at some concerning the arrival of the baby Jesus two millennia ago-made 500 years before His birth.

Clashing Symbols

Time changes everything, so they say. David Edgren, challenges us to reclaim the symbols that define us.


Will prejudice prevent us from obtaining a satisfactory life? Rodney Woods finds out.

The Greatest Gift

Receiving the best present in the world

The final courtroom

Everyone needs a good attorney at court. Especially when you’re guilty and on trial for your life.

A Baby Shower for Jesus

Uncover the significance of the unconventional gifts of myrrh, frankincense, and gold presented to Jesus, reflecting His journey from birth to sacrificial death and role as our intercessor.

Agents of God

Embrace the Fullness of Salvation Beyond Self - Explore the biblical invitation to participate in God's love for all creation, understanding salvation as a call to stewardship and re-creation in anticipation of a renewed world.