Jesus the High Priest

Jesus the High Priest of the heavenly sanctuary is an essential aspect of His work for our salvation. As our High Priest, Jesus intercedes on our behalf, applying the merits of His sacrifice and providing continual access to God’s grace. Understanding this ministry enhances our appreciation of Christ’s ongoing work and His role in our spiritual lives. Our articles explore the biblical basis, significance, and implications of Christ’s heavenly ministry, offering insights into how it impacts our faith and relationship with God. Discover the comfort and assurance found in knowing that Christ is advocating for you in the heavenly sanctuary.

Scrubbing for God

“You will have to let me undress you,” said the lion Aslan to the boy-turned-dragon Eustace. We can Scrubb all we want, but only Jesus can remove the stains.

God's Lamb, Our High Priest

The meaning of the Old Testament sacrificial system.

Last-days Extremism

What warning did Jesus give concerning last-day deceptions?

Trial of the Century

Christians sometimes call Christ’s second coming “the great judgement day,” which it surely will be. But is that God’s only judgement mentioned in the Bible?

Death and Resurrection

What happens after death is largely tied to what happens before death. Graeme Loftus explores the decisions that shape our eternity.