Jesus is Coming

Jesus is Coming and every eye will see Him. The Second Coming of Jesus is the blessed hope of believers, the culmination of God’s plan of salvation. It marks the end of sin and suffering and the beginning of eternal life in God’s kingdom. The promise of Jesus’ coming provides hope, motivation for holy living, and urgency for sharing the gospel. This section delves into the biblical prophecies and signs of Jesus coming, offering insights into how to live in readiness and anticipation. Explore articles that inspire hope and encourage vigilance, reminding us to keep our eyes fixed on the glorious day when Jesus will come again.

Here He Comes

New Year's Eve in Sydney—now that is a show to remember. But the fireworks display—while impressive—will pale in comparison to the wonder and splendour of the most spectacular event in earth's history—the second coming of Jesus.

A Certain Kind of Hope

Jesus promised He would return to claim His followers. Graeme Loftus reflects on the life of those who wait in anticipation of that day.

Paradise Restored

What will life be like when Jesus returns and we go to heaven?

A not-so-green world

The article delves into the significance of earthquakes, famines, and pestilences as the biblical signs of Jesus' second coming, offering a message of ultimate hope.

The Finished Work

Take a look at the Easter message, the finished work of our Saviour.

Not like the movies . . .

The second coming of Christ as outlined in the Bible is a reality that you won’t miss, as Bjorn Karlman explains.

Waiting for the End

According to Seth Pierce, we have much to look forward to when it comes to Christ's second coming.

When Jesus Returns

Death makes its mark on each of us as we lose loved ones. Mark Finley offers hope for the sorrowful soul - the return of Jesus.

When Will Jesus Return?

Christians have been anticipating Christ's return for 2000 years. How much longer will we have to wait? Scott Cady reflects on the answer to that question.

Our Future in the Past

While science offers evidence that Planet Earth is in terminal decline, there is hope for its inhabitants

The World's Greatest Story

A story of God, His love, and us.

The Great War

The battle in heaven still rages on

Charles Fitch: herald of Christ's return

William Miller proclaimed the nearness of Christ's return. Charles Fitch became one of his most ardent followers. Arthur Patrick tells the story.

A Planet in Crisis

As global crises align with biblical prophecies, the article argues that these signs point to the nearing return of Jesus, urging awareness rather than date-setting.

Is The Sky Falling?

With the recent rise in natural disasters is the planet telling us something?

Instant Messaging

Teenagers are among the most prolific mobile phone, text-message users.

A Reason to Believe

Considering the state of the world, Townend turns to scripture, seeing in contemporary events the unfolding of Jesus' prophecies about the end of days and His second coming.

Dead Men Can't Save You!

Glenn Townend reflects on our mortal human condition and inquires whether immortality is possible.

Wars and Rumours of Wars

Given the increasing number of conflicts around the world, are we are hurtling toward the end of the world?

Why Jesus is returning

This world is a dangerous place and full of fear. That, says Loren Seibold, makes Jesus’ promise to return someday a message of hope and security.

The Mad Max apolcalyse

The second coming of Christ, and the events that will follow, sounds like the plot of one epic post-apocalyptic movie.

When-and Where-Will it End?

The recent London subway and bus bombings are a reminder that we live in an age of terrorism.

Will We Know Each Other In Heaven

The Bible says we will be transformed when Jesus comes. Does this extend to our memories and recognition of our friends and loved ones?

The guarantee of Jesus' return

Before Jesus left the earth He said He would return. But after nearly 2000 years, how can Christians believe that promise?

9 Facts About Jesus’ Second Coming

Captain Scott O’Grady was shot down over Bosnia on June 2, 1995. He pulled the ejection lever and parachuted into enemy territory.

People Get Ready

Bruce Manners asks, Are we ready for the train that's a-comin'?

What Jesus Said About the Last Day

Some people believe the world is getting better and better, but Clifford Goldstein points out that Jesus dispelled that idea some 2000 years ago.

What the Bible Says About the Millennium

The Bible describes a special period of 1000 years to follow Christ’s second coming. What will happen during that time?

Body and Soul: Together and Forever

Are human beings made up of one part or two?