Father God

Father God is the Creator and Sustainer of all life, characterized by His infinite love, justice, and mercy. He desires a personal relationship with each of us, inviting us to trust in His care and providence. Father God’s love is evident in His provision, protection, and the ultimate gift of His Son for our redemption. This section offers a deep dive into the attributes and actions of Father God, providing articles that illuminate His character, His covenant promises, and His interactions with humanity throughout history.

God is Right Brained

Chris Blake is not satisfied with many of our assumptions about God.

Show us the Father

In his years as a counsellor, Jeris Bragan has found that, despite anger and trauma, most of us have a deep need for a loving and powerful Father.

The Uunassuming God

In the Holy Bible, the uunassuming God speaks to us

The Hope of Judgment

Nathan Brown explores how the promise of God's judgment gives life meaning now.

Is God a Delusion?

Out of 9/11 a new ideology arose which declared intellectual war on all theistic faith and assumptions.

I am your Father

Star Wars. Thor. Back to the Future. Finding Nemo. It's amazing how the emotional tone of a movie—and a life—is often determined by the kind of father involved.

Is God Responsible?

Why does a loving God permit disasters?

The Heart of God

God could have chosen any way of representing Himself to us. Graeme Loftus suggests that He chose to be "our Father" for good reason.

God's Funny Man

God created everything-including our sense of humour. Susan Johnstone tells the story of Stephen Hilaire-one of God's storytellers.

The Possibility of God

Pondering some of the biggest questions that confront each of us as human beings.

What is God Really Like?

It's easy to feel like God is "out to get us," especially considering how powerful He is. But Marvin Moore assures us we have nothing to fear.

Hey, Dad, I love you

A father's love is but a shadow of the love our heavenly Father has toward us.

God's Worker – more than meets the eye

It’s His desire to provide every one of His children with a chance to make a deliberate choice for Him. I’m living proof of this.

The Heart of Jesus

Learning lessons about appearances

My Other Father

Are there two different Gods in the Bible—one described in the Old Testament and another in the New?

A father's love

Explore the depth of God's paternal love, as Mark Finley counters the misconception of a wrathful deity with the biblical portrayal of God as a loving Father, nurturing and guiding His children.

Call No Man Father

If we are meant to view God as our Father, what do earthly male figures who have let society down say about His character?

God, Marriage and Family

The relationships we are involved in shape us. Graeme Loftus reveals how we have been created to live and love.

Why You Can Trust God

John Bradshaw explains why you can rely on God to lead you through your dark and difficult times.

Learning to Love God's Law

They're not simply a list of dos and don'ts

Bigger than the Big Bang

There are Christians who feel the need to integrate the Big Bang theory into their theology because they believe the weight of evidence requires them to do so. But this is dangerous.

What God's Love is Like

Getting to know our Father in heaven

Building God's Ark

Evan Almighty has updated the Noah's ark story-and turned it into the most expensive "comedy" ever made. Prompted by Evan, David Edgren explores the true story of Noah, the ark and God.

A View Through the Curtain

Yiannis Dimitrio unveils the profound shift from the Old Testament's Holy of Holies to the open access we now have to God through Christ, as epitomized by the tearing of the Temple curtain at Jesus' death.

When God the Father Wept

Did God weep at Jesus' crucifixion? How did that cry—“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”—impact the Father?

Does God Give Signs?

Is it appropriate to ask God for a sign when you want to know whether or not to do something?

Glimpses of God

While we can't yet see God with our eyes, the Bible does contain some previews, says Teresa Reeve.

Does God Torture Sinners?

Could a loving God really torture His children? Murl Vance presents a compelling revelation of God's nature.