
Death is a significant part of the human experience, and the Bible provides a clear understanding of its nature and significance. According to Scripture, death is a temporary state, often referred to as a sleep, from which believers will be awakened at the resurrection when Jesus returns. This belief offers comfort and assurance, emphasizing that death is not the end but a transition to eternal life with God. Through His own death, Jesus Christ experienced the fullness of human mortality, and by His resurrection, He conquered death, providing hope and assurance for all who believe in Him. Explore our articles to understand the biblical teachings on death, the hope it offers, and how it impacts our view of life and eternity. Discover how faith in Christ can bring peace and assurance in the face of mortality.

The Mystery of Death

Can the dead communicate with the living? What does the Bible say?

Death - and then what?

Some people say you go to heaven, others that you go to the grave. Maylan Schurch examines the biblical evidence.

Created for Eternity

Do you shed tears when a loved one dies? So does God, says Patty Froese Ntihemuka.

Still a Hero

It is never easy to send someone off to war.Norman Young reflects on his father's heroic life.

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Why taking the time to grieve can help the soul

Moving Forward, Going Back

Mary Lane recently returned to Papua New Guinea, 13 years after her husband Les Anderson was killed in a plane crash.

Suffering Infertility, Grief, and God

Colin Renfrew opens his heart and tells his story.

God's Promises for Your Future

How one woman's life changed from despair to hope.

Death and Resurrection

What happens after death is largely tied to what happens before death. Graeme Loftus explores the decisions that shape our eternity.

Death and Immortality

Several strange ideas about life after death exist in our world. Seth Pierce briefly reviews a recent one, then examines what the Bible says.