Christian Unity

Christian Unity reflects the oneness that Jesus prayed for among His followers. Despite our diversity, we are called to be united in love, purpose, and doctrine. This Christian unity is essential for the Church’s mission and witness to the world. Our articles explore the biblical basis for unity, the importance of reconciliation, and practical ways to foster harmony within the Church. Discover how to contribute to the unity of believers, navigate differences with grace, and experience the strength that comes from being part of Christ’s body.

Unity and Diversity in Christ

Because God is the infinite, personal Creator, distinct from His creation, oneness with Him does not mean the loss of identity, personality or individuality.

In all things, charity

Why are there so many different kinds of Christians today and what does it mean for the world?

Be All In

That Jesus commanded—not suggested—that we love one another. That we free the oppressed. Feed the hungry. Shelter the homeless. That we seek justice.

The Inclusiveness of God

Samir Selmanovic reveals the key ingredient in the nature of God that makes Him so compelling.

Unity in Christ

Graeme Loftus looks at a fundamental belief of Christianity, the church.

Never Forget

We tend to regard death as an end. And, for the most part, it is. A final breath, and a life is finished. A person’s story and legacy, however, do not end in death.

Church welcomes back breakway groups

More than 200 people from the Tafea District of Vanuatu were welcomed back to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in an emotional reconciliation ceremony at Bethel Adventist church on Tanna Island.

Enforcing God's Law?

A battle is looming in the courts over these 10 rules. But there's much more to it than just who wins.