The Why, How and When of Baptism

The Why, How and When of Baptism

Is baptism really so important? Andrew Skeggs explores the age-old question-to be or not to be?

Is baptism really so important? Andrew Skeggs explores the age-old question-to be or not to be?

Andrew SkeggsMar 20, 2023, 12:46 AM

Have you jumped out of an aeroplane? I have! Admittedly, I was strapped to an experienced skydiver who was wearing a parachute. But when the door of the plane opened, I was still nervous about taking the plunge. That's not the only time I've taken a plunge. And been nervous. When I was 15, I chose to be baptised—to take the plunge and follow Jesus. I'd decided that to be a follower of Jesus, I had to do what He asked, and publicly demonstrate my decision. I would be baptised, completely immersed in a pool of water.

Why should I be?

Despite what you might have heard, baptism isn't primarily about what you believe, how you behave or even about joining a church. Baptism is about Jesus. In biblical thinking, baptism is the natural response to a transforming encounter with Jesus Christ. When we realise that Jesus loves us and has died to secure both an abund?ant life and eternal life for us; when we appreciate how rotten life can become without Jesus and how great it can be when focused on Him, then we are drawn to follow Him. Jesus' love makes a dramatic difference to our thinking, our feelings, our goals and our behaviour. And that difference deserves to be commemorated in the ceremony of baptism.Turn from your sins and turn to God, and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy SpiritWhat must I do to be saved?Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved

How am I to be?

I've baptised people in rainwater tanks, rivers, oceans, swimming pools and even a portable spa. In each case, the person was fully immersed. If you read the stories of baptism in the New Testament, this was the practice in Jesus' day. The word baptism literally means to fully immerse in water.

Who will I be?

Baptism is a commitment. Sometimes people tell me they aren't “ready” to be baptised, because they don't “feel” good enough. Well, how good does one have to be before they can be baptised?

Where will I be?

When someone is baptised, they will often be formally recognised as a member of a church. That's because the Bible teaches that “we were all baptised by one Spirit into one body” (1 Corinthians 12:13). This means at baptism we are joined to Christ as the head of the church, and we also become part of His body—the church. God wants you to be part of a family in which you will be encouraged and where you can encourage others. That's what the church is all about.

When should I be?

I have only good memories of baptisms, my own and others. One man whom I baptised had never had any close friends, but now he is surrounded by people who care. I remember teenagers and young adults being baptised just as they were making crucial decisions about the direction of their lives. I've seen shy or troubled people grow and do great things after deciding to follow Jesus and be baptised. Baptisms are times of joy and celebration; Jesus said that on such occasions the angels party!I want to know Jesus. I want to experience His gifts of love and a new life. I want to be part of His family—His church—and do my part to make the world a better place

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